How To Make A Greek Shield From Cardboard

Whether for fun at home or for an interesting class project, you can make a Greek shield replica from cardboard. The Greeks had a standard round shield that is easy to replicate and personalize for all ages. A cardboard Greek shield works well as an aid to a history project or as part of a costume. No matter what the occasion, it is easy and educational to make a cardboard Greek shield.


Step 1

Draw a large circle onto your sheet of cardboard. The circle should be roughly 2 to 3 feet in diameter, depending on the size of the person who will carry the shield. Use a trash can lid or other round object as a pattern to trace a perfect circle.


Step 2

Cut out the circle carefully, keeping the edges as smooth as possibly. If you are using very flimsy cardboard, you may need to cut out an additional circle and glue them together.

Step 3

Personalize the front of your shield with paint, markers or colored pencils. Find specific Greek images online for a basic shield, or make it your own.

Step 4

Cut out rectangles from your scrap cardboard for arm holders. These should be about 12 inches long. Tape the ends onto the back of the shield. They should run parallel to each other. Make sure you can slide your arm through the holders without them falling or slipping too much.

Things Needed

  • Large sheet of cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Art supplies

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Cut small, C-shapes out of the right and left sides of the shield to replicate a Spartan shield. These holes were for thrusting spears through.


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Andromeda, Ricky. "How To Make A Greek Shield From Cardboard", 24 April 2017.


Andromeda, Ricky. (2017, April 24). How To Make A Greek Shield From Cardboard. Retrieved from


Andromeda, Ricky. How To Make A Greek Shield From Cardboard last modified March 24, 2022.

