What If You Fell Into Lava?
Volcanoes can be morbidly fascinating for plenty of reasons, as can the lava they release. But what effect might all that molten rock have on the human body?
Read MoreVolcanoes can be morbidly fascinating for plenty of reasons, as can the lava they release. But what effect might all that molten rock have on the human body?
Read MorePrehistoric times were pretty strange, to put it lightly, and the same could be said of the species from that period. Here are some of the scariest.
Read MoreBetween climate change and the effects of humanity on the environment, many species have been harmed. Here are a few of them that have been led near extinction.
Read MoreSymbiotic relationships between species are both common and incredible, including those between ants and these four insects, as well as one honorable mention.
Read MoreSpace is already filled with plenty of mysteries, and black holes may be among the strangest. Here are some of the questions scientists still have about them.
Read MoreThe Ice Age was a hard period in Earth's history, but ancient humans were quite the hardy bunch. They managed survive and even thrive; here's how they did it.
Read MoreThe idea of cosmic threats to Earth almost sounds like the stuff of fiction. But while alien invasions may be far fetched, these threats are perfectly real.
Read MoreThere's something exciting about visiting dangerous places, but these especially hostile locations might be too much for even the most daring traveller.
Read MoreInvasive species can wreak havoc wherever they're found, but Florida has a few that are particularly dangerous. Here are the most threatening of them.
Read MoreLooking to the stars has long provided a sense of wonder, but soon, a very rare event will light up the night sky. Here's what you need to know about it.
Read MoreThere are many reasons why researchers are concerned about endangered species. After all, these species went extinct in just the last decade.
Read MoreWhile authenticity is something that many strive for, its actual meaning is hard to pin down. Here are some of the traits that authentic people often possess.
Read MoreMorbid as it is to tconsider what happens after you die, there's always the possibility of donating your body to science. But what does that really mean?
Read MoreDespite all the research done over the years, new animal species are being found every year, 2024 included. Here are a few of the most notable discoveries.
Read MoreDiscussions surrounding global warming have been going on for a long time, but what exactly will the future end up looking like as a result of thsoe changes?
Read MoreScience often seems like it's always about careful logic, but really, many discoveries have come about entirely by accident. Here are some of the most notable.
Read MoreEach continent has its own share of different species, but not all of them are created equal. Here's a rundown of which continents are the most biodiverse.
Read MoreIf you've ever looked for health supplements, you've probably heard of peptides. Research on is still ongoing, but here are some of the most promising ones.
Read MoreEveryone has dealt with someone who is overly arrogant or selfish, but are they a narcissist? There are a few specific traits you can look for to answer that.
Read MorePlenty of people are invested in finding ways to live longer, but there are plenty of familiar habits that work against that goal. Here are a few of them.
Read MoreWhile there are some animals known for being especially hardy, they all have their limits. But this creature's limits have rendered it nearly indestructible.
Read MoreEveryone is familiar with gut feelings, the mysterious sensation of intrinsically knowing something. But gut feelings aren't as mysterious as they might seem.
Read MoreChocolate is a favorite treat for tons of people, but it wasn't always the sweet confection it is today. There's actually a rather long history behind it.
Read MoreBeneath the serene waves of lakes, river, and seas, lurk some fish with terrifyingly sharp teeth. Here are a few different species of those fanged monsters.
Read MoreThe phenomena of blue moons and super moons are not as uncommon as you might think. But the two combined is a rare event indeed, and here are the reasons why.
Read MoreThe soil beneath our feet may look dull, but it is essential to all life on the planet. You might be amazed at what soil is made of and how it got there.
Read MoreThe warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico are home to countless living organisms. Here are some spectacular sea species that you may not know exist in the Gulf.
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